Activities > Resident Info > Manage Pet
This page is used to manage Owner’s pets.
Pet information can be found on the Manage Pet or Find Account pages, as well as on the Portal on the Profile tab. CLICK HERE for more information about managing pets through the Portal.
Add a Pet
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Resident Info > Manage Pet.
Step 2. Select Add Item from the Page Actions dropdown menu.
Step 3. Enter information in the Pet window, as needed.
Step 4. Click the Save Add button to finalize the new record.
Edit an Existing Pet
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Resident Info > Manage Pet.
Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the record you need to change.
Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to open the record.
Step 4. Make changes to the record as needed.
Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize.
Delete a Pet
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Resident Info > Manage Pet.
Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the record you need to delete.
Step 3. Click the X icon to delete the record.