Activities > Find Account - Contacts Tab or 

Dashboard > Account Search - Contacts Tab

Use this Tab to view, add and edit Contacts.

This Tab is used to manage all Contacts for the selected Account. Contacts may include multiple people within a household, tenants, a third party management company, or any other individual, or company associated with the Unit. Contacts contain important information such as mailing address, phone numbers and emails, as well as indicating whether the contact can access the Community Link portal. While an account may include multiple contacts, only one can be selected as the Primary Contact.

Add a Contact

Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account

Step 2. Click the Contacts Tab. 

Step 3. Click the Add Contact hyperlink. 

Step 4.  Complete the Contact window. 

Contact Name Section - This section contains information used to locate the account when using the Find Account or Search functionality.

  • Type- Select the Contact Type from the drop down menu. 

  • Primary Contact- Check if this Contact is the Primary Contact.

NOTE- The Primary Contact is used for all communications from the Association. 

  • Legal Name- Enter the Legal Name for the Contact.

  • First, MI, Last- Enter the first name, middle initial, and last name for the Contact.

  • Suffix- Enter the Suffix to be used for the Contact.

  • Legal Name Title- Enter a Legal Name Title for the Contact, if needed. 

Contact Section- This section contains other important contact information. 

  • Also known as- If the Company or Individual has an assumed name, enter that information in this field. 

  • Company Name- Enter the Company Name, if applicable. 

  • Email/Email 2- Enter a primary and secondary email, if applicable. 

  • Spouse Email/Spouse Email2- Enter a Spouse’s primary and secondary email, if applicable.

  • Phone/Alt. Phone-  Enter a primary and secondary phone number, if applicable. 

  • Mobile- Enter the Mobile phone number. 

  • Mobile Provider- Select the mobile provider from the drop down menu. 

NOTE- This information is required to send Text messages. (Push Notifications)

  • Fax- Enter a Fax number, if applicable. 

  • Dial Code- Enter a Dial Code, if needed. 

  • DOB- Enter the Date of Birth.

Address Section - This section contains mailing address information for the Contact.

  • Mailing- Check if the address should be used for correspondence. 

  • Address Name- Enter a name in this field, if different than the Contact Name. 

  • Populate from Unit Address- Click if the Contact Address is the same as the Unit Address.

  • Care of- Enter a Care of recipient, if needed.

  • Address/Address2- Enter the address, using one or both fields, as needed.

  • City- Enter the City name. 

  • Country/State- Select the Country and State from the drop down menu.

  • NOTE- For addresses outside of the United States, select the Country to change the State drop down menu to a Region/Province data entry field. 

  • Postal Code- Enter the Postal Code. 

Misc. Section - This section contains other important information for the Contact. 

  • Allow Portal Access- Check if this Contact is authorized to have Portal access.

  • Primary Tenant- Check if this Contact is the Primary Tenant. 

  • Lease Start Date/End Date- Select start and end dates from the drop down calendar.

  • Lease for Tenant- Upload a copy of the Tenant Lease.

  • Occupant- Check if the Contact is an Occupant of the Unit. 

  • Notes- Enter additional information, as needed. 

Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize.

Edit a Contact

Step 1. From the Find Account Page - Contacts Tab, Click the Pencil icon for the Contact you need to edit. 

Step 2. Make changes to the Contacts window, as needed. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize your changes.

Delete a Contact

Step 1. From the Find Account Page - Contacts Tab, Click the Trash icon for the Contact you need to delete

Step 2. Click Confirm in the pop up confirmation box.