Financial > A/R > Recurring Charge > Process Recurring Charges
Use this page to add recurring charges to Owner accounts.
NOTE- Prior to process Recurring Charges, they must first be set up on the Manage Recurring Charges page. If this has not yet been completed, CLICK HERE for more information.
Process Recurring Charges
Step 1. Navigate to Financial > A/R > Recurring Charge > Process Recurring Charges
Step 2. Complete the Search fields to locate the correct Association or Association Group, or locate charges by Run Date or Frequency.
Association- Select the correct Association or Association Group from the drop down menu.
Contains- Enter all or a portion of the Association name, or Charge name to locate.
Frequency- Select frequency from the dropdown menu.
Run On- Use the slider to limit returned items to the scheduled date for the Charge. For example; you can use this feature to return a list of all Associations with Late Fees scheduled to run on the 15th of the month.
Step 3. Click the arrow next to the Association name to view all Recurring Charges currently set up for the community that meet your above criteria.
Step 4. You can then review the following information to make sure the Charges and Account information is properly set up before continuing.
Charge- The name of the Charge is displayed.
Frequency- The frequency of the Charge is displayed.
Run On- This lists the day of the month the charge is scheduled to be run.
Last Processed/Undo- The last date processed is displayed as well as the option to Undo. If a mistake is found, the most recently processed recurring charge can be undone by clicking the Undo link. If payments have already been applied to the recurring charge, the undo process will first unapply these payments before removing the charge.
Last Processed Num Accounts- This field displays the total number of accounts that received the Charge.
Last Processed Total Amount- This field displays the total amount of all Charges posted.
Num Accounts- This field calculates the number of accounts that are scheduled to be charged. Review this field to help determine if the Charge is correct before completion.
Total Amount- This field calculates the total amount of the Charges that are scheduled to be applied to Owner accounts. Review this field to help determine if the Charge is correct before completion.
Show related accounts- This field allows you to see a list of all accounts scheduled to be charged.
NOTE- When viewing the related accounts the amount column shows the amount of the charge to be added. If this amount is zero then the charge will not be added to the owner's ledger. Only non-zero charges will be added to the owner's ledger.
Step 5. Select the Post Date for the Recurring Charge using the drop down field on the upper right hand side. This is the date the Charge will appear on the Owner Account Ledger.
Step 6. Check the boxes for the Charge or Charges you want to process.
NOTE- You can select multiple charges for a single Association, such as; Late Fee and Late Interest, or select multiple charges across more than one Association. However, ALL charges will post on the date selected in Step 5. If the dates of the charges vary, then you will need to post them separately.
Step 7. Select Process Selected Items from the three dot drop down menu to add the charges.