Activities > Resident Request > Manage Resident Request
Use this page to create, manage and edit Resident Requests.
Add a New Resident Request
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Resident Request > Manage Resident Request.
NOTE- Resident Requests can also be added directly from the Owner Account page. CLICK HERE for more information.
Step 2. Select Add Resident Request from the Page Actions drop down menu. .
Step 3. Scroll down or use the Search filter to locate the correct account.
Step 4. Click the Select button.
Step 5. Complete the fields in the Resident Request window.
General Section
Status- Select the correct Status from the drop down menu. Newly added requests will typically be Open, while Hold and Closed are used to edit the status.
Title- Create a Title for this request.
Request Notes- Add additional notes to the request, if needed.
Note- Select a Quick Note from the drop down menu, if needed. A Quick Note adds a pre-written note to the Owner’s file.
Assigned To- Select the Assigned User from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Type- Select the correct Type from the drop down menu.
NOTE- Resident Request Types must be set up prior to using this feature. CLICK HERE for more information.
Description- Add a Description for the Request.
Step 6. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to add more records.
Edit a Request
Click the Pencil icon to edit the request.
Delete a Request
Click the Trash icon to delete a request and click Confirm on the pop up window.
Create Work Order
Work Orders can be generated in response to a Resident Request, and assigned to internal staff or a Vendor for completion.
Step 1. Click the Create WO hyperlink of the Resident Request you need to convert to a Work Order.
Step 2. Complete the fields in the Work Order window. CLICK HERE for more information.
Create a Violation
Violations can be generated in response to a Resident Request and then managed per standard violation protocol
Step 1. Click the Create Vio hyperlink of the Resident Request you need to convert to a Violation.
Step 2. Complete the fields in the Violation window. CLICK HERE for more information.
Create Task
A Resident Request can be used to generate a Task, which can then be assigned to a User for completion.
Step 1. Click the Create Task hyperlink of the Resident Request you need to convert to a Task
Step 2. Complete the fields in the Task window. CLICK HERE for more information.
ReAssign a Resident Request
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Resident Request > Manage Resident Request.
Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the request you need to ReAssign.
Step 3. Check the box corresponding to the request you need to ReAssign.
Step 4. Select ReAssign from the Page Actions drop down menu.
Step 5. Select the correct User to ReAssign the request from the drop down menu.
Step 6. Click the Save button to finalize the ReAssign.