Activities > RFP > Manage RFP
Use this page to add and manage RFP (Request for Proposal) functions.
The RFP function allows Users to submit requests for bids quickly and easily to multiple vendors.
Add a New RFP
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > RFP > Manage RFP.
Step 2. Select Add RFP from the Page Actions dropdown menu.
Step 3. Complete the RFP Edit window.
Overview Section
Association- Select the correct Association from the dropdown menu.
Work Order Type- Select the type of work needed from the dropdown menu.
Title- Enter a Title for the RFP.
Status- This will default to Open for a new RFP and can be edited as work progresses.
Due Date- Enter the deadline Date for receiving the proposal.
CC Me- Check this box to receive a copy of your outgoing email.
Email Subject- Enter a Subject line for the email.
Reply to Email- Enter the email address you want to use for replies.
Email Body- Enter the body of the email.
Decision Date- Enter a Decision Date.
Type- Select a request Type from the drop down menu.
Attachments Section- Upload any related documents or files.
Manage Templates Section- Select a Template for the RFP, if applicable or click the Manage Templates hyperlink to create a new template.
RFP Description Templates Section- Use this area to add a new RFP template.
Templates Section
This section displays a list of previously created templates to select from, if applicable.
Vendors Section
Use this section to select the Vendors that will receive the request. Click the box to the right of all Vendors you want to respond with a proposal.
Step 4. Click the Save Add button to create the new RFP.