Learn how to create eBlasts directly from the portal. 

eBlasts can be created directly in the community Portal and then are available for Board Members and other authorized users to view from within the portal. They can be sent to all community members or to previously created groups, such as Board Members, ARC Committee, Pool Monitors etc…

Create a New eBlast 

Step 1. Login to the community portal.

NOTE- You must have the proper authorization to send an eBlast. If you are unable to access this function check with your Administrator. 

Step 2. Select the eBlast tab from the menu on the left.

Step 3. Select Add New from the menu at the top. 

Step 4.  Complete the Add eBlast window. 

  • Deliver Via - Select the method you would like to use to send the eBlast. 

  • Both Email and SMS- Sends message by Email and Text (SMS).

  • Email Only- Sends message by Email only. 

  • SMS Only- Sends message by Text (SMS) only. 

To - Use this field to add recipients to the eBlast. 

  • From - Enter the email address the email is coming from. 

  • ReplyTo - Enter the email address for recipients to reply. 

  • Subject - Enter a Subject line for the eBlast. 

  • Body- Enter the message for the eBlast. 

  • Upload- Use this area to upload any documents that need to be sent with the eBlast. 

Step 5. Click the Save button to create a Draft of the email.

Send the eBlast

Step 1. Click the Send button corresponding to the eBlast you want to send. 

Step 2. Complete the Email Status field, all other fields will auto populate. 

Email Status

  • Draft- Select this option to save the eBlast as a Draft for future mailing. 

  • Send Now- Select this option if the eBlast should be sent immediately. 

  • Schedule for- Select this option to schedule the eBlast for a future time and date. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize. 

NOTE- If the Send Now option was selected the status will update to Sent and can no longer be edited.  If the Schedule for option was selected the status will update to Scheduled and changes can be made at any time before the eBlast is sent.