Administration > Import Data
This page is used to import an association's budget from Excel. This saves time when bringing on a new association and/or entering budgets in subsequent years.
Step 1. Navigate to Administration > Import Data.
Step 2. Select Period Budget from the Entity Type drop down menu.
Step 3. Click the "Download Template" link.
This is an XLS file where you can paste data from your own file.
NOTE- Items in blue must be included in the spreadsheet. Other columns can be added, as needed, to accommodate your communities.
- AssociationId: You can get this from the Association GL setup page . Easily copy and paste it into the XLS file.
- Year: Enter the year for the budget you created.
- GLAccountNumber – List of GL accounts included in the budget.
- Title: Enter the title for the budget you created.
- GL Department: If the association has enabled the GL Department, this field is necessary to fill out.
NOTE- M1 through M12 represent months of the year.
!!!!!!!Note: If you would like to create only one budget for one association, the columns AssociationId, Year, and Title must be the same for each row.
If there are two budgets needed to upload for the same association, the AssociationId column will be the same for both budgets.
The Year will also be the same for both budgets.
However, the Title will differ: one budget will have one title, and the other budget will have a different title.
In this way, the system matches all columns and creates only TWO budgets for the same association.
In the example below, the system will create TWO budgets for two different associations.
In the example below the system will create FIVE budgets for the same association.
Step 4. Paste all data from your spreadsheet, including column headers, into the text box.
Import From Excel- Paste data from your prepared spreadsheet, including all headers, into this space.
Allow Partial Import- Check to allow the system to accept correct data, and only reject incorrect data, if applicable. If unchecked the entire upload will be rejected if incorrect data is present.
Import from CSV- Data can also be imported from a CSV file. This is useful when setting up a new client Association.
Step 5. Click the Save button to complete the Import, or click Only Check Data to check the imported data for errors.
The video guide: click HERE