Activities > Communication > Bad Emails

Use this page to review and reset emails that have been marked as 'bad' within uManage. 

Purpose of the 'Do Not Email' list

When an email bounces back or is marked as spam by the recipient it is determined to be 'bad' and it is added to a 'Do Not Email' list. Emails from uManage are sent via Amazon's Simple Email Service using the domain. Amazon keeps statistics on all emails sent from the domain and uses a number of statistical measurements to prevent their service from being used as a spam tool. The 'Do Not Email' list is intended to keep the eUnify email reputation high by removing email addresses that bounce back or have previously been marked as spam by the recipient.  

NOTE- It is important to review the Bad Email page on a regular basis, and to manage the email addresses on the list, to make sure your community members are receiving emails as expected. If an Owner calls to say they are not receiving emails, be sure to check the list to see if a problem has already been identified.


The Bad Email page lists all 'bad email addresses' that have been identified for your firm and the reason they are on the list.

 The following columns are displayed:

  1. Incorrect Email - indicates the email address on the Do Not Send list

  2. Cause - specifies the reason the email is on the Do Not Send list

  3. Create Date - date the email was added to the Do Not Sent list

  4. Confirmation - indicates the email address was sent a confirmation email

  5. Checkbox - used to send a confirmation email to the email address.

Bounced Email Handling

Bounce means that the email could not be delivered and most likely means the email address is incorrect.  Use the Fix Email link to update/correct the email address. If the bounced email address is correct, for example, if the email account was not set up when the email was originally sent, but now it is set up, use the confirmation process to enable the email address.

Complaint Email Handling

Complaint means that the email was delivered but the recipient marked the email as spam. This effectively blocks all future emails from eUnify by putting the eUnify domain on a blacklist with the recipient's email provider. Correcting an email address that has been marked as spam requires the recipient to remove eUnify from their email blacklist. This is done by sending a Confirmation Email to the recipient that contains a link that the user MUST click to be taken off of the Do Not Send list. 

Confirmation Emails

NOTE- A confirmation email can only be sent once every 7 days.  This prevents multiple emails from being sent to a recipient who does not want to be taken off the Do Not Send list.

Step 1. Use the Search filters to locate the email addresses you need to work with. 

Step 2. Check the radio button for all email addresses that need to receive a confirmation email. 


Step 3. Select Send Confirmation Letter from the Page Action drop down menu.


Step 4. A green check circle will appear in the Confirmation column. 


The Recipient will receive an email with a Link to Confirm their email address.