Use this page to assist in the process of Adding and Editing ARC plans within the community portal side of the uManage system. ARC plans are homeowner initiated requests for changes to the property. Typically, these requests undergo a review process within the ARC committee members before being approved by the president.  (Note: These requests can be added by homeowners if the permissions have been granted to this particular user group)

Activating the ARC Tab (Portal)

1. Log in to the corresponding association in which the ARC plan is to be created as an admin. This can be located quickly through the Find Logins  page > 

2. Once logged into the portal as the administrator, click on the Manage Site icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen>

3. Once there, select the option to Manage Site Features and Permissions >

4. Within that window, check the box for ACC Plans to activate the ARC plans. Additionally, check the all members can add ACC Plans. This will allow for the homeowners to add ARC plans >

5. Now, Homeowners should have the tab to view the ACC plans > This area is to be used to view open/closed ACC plans > (Note: This area will not allow for the creation of new plans)

Adding An ARC Request:

1. To create a new ACC plan, locate the Architectural area on Homeowner portal and click that icon > 

2. There, this window will then display the active ARC requests. To add new ARC, select Add ACC Plan >

3. Here, enter the corresponding information regarding the new ACC request. (Note: A type must be selected prior to completion)> 

4. Click Save to apply the changes > 

To Edit an Existing ARC Request

1. Locate the ACC tab area of the portal >

2. Once there, the various ARC plans that have been previously established are displayed. To edit an existing plan, click on the Edit icon on the corresponding plan to edit > 

3. Here, update any information to this ARC plan as needed. Additionally, this is the area where the management can make their Recommendations and Stipulations can be added as well >