When it comes to saving changes via this "edit-in-place" function, the key factor is connectivity.  The filepath is remote, on the uManage server, so a few things are critically important to ensure that this works properly:

1.  Internet Connection: 
Connection is necessary in order to access the site and to open any document to edit.  You also need uninterrupted connection while editing.  If the network fails while editing, you will have to save your changes locally and copy/paste changes back into the copy on the uManage server when you can connect.  The system also times out an active login session after 2 hours of no activity (no page navigation, no saving of new content).

2.  Word Settings: 
The only setting in Word that you should have to worry about is in Word > File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View: Make sure the "Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet" is UNCHECKED.

3.  Antivirus Software/Firewall: 
You might need to write an exception into your firewall and antivirus software to ensure that the eUnify.net domain is marked as a safe/trusted site.