Activities > Activity Analyzer

The Activity Analyzer breaks down various system uses into categories for review and analysis by management staff.

Activities can be filtered and sorted into the following categories:

  • Association - The Association In which to analyze

  • User - The User sign on for the uManage system

  • Activity - Various Activities completed on the system

Activity Analyzer

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Activity Analyzer


Step 2. Use the search filters/parameters to select and sort the data you want to analyze. 

  • First Group By- Using the drop down menu select the top sort option you want to use. 

  • Second Group By- Select the sort option to be used for data selected in the First Group choice. 

  • Last Group By-  Select the sort option to be used for data selected in the Second Group choice.

  • Data 1- This filter allows you to select/deselect options in the First Group. 

  • Data 2- This filter allows you to select/deselect options in the Second Group. 

  • Data 3-This filter allows you to select/deselect options in the Last Group. 

  • Start/End Date- Use the drop down calendar to limit data to a specified date range. 


Step 3. Click the Search button to return Activity data. 


Activity Information

Pie Chart- The pie chart displays information in a visual manner that allows the user to see, at a glance, the amount of activity taking place in each category. In the example below, the analyzer first sorted information by Association, then by User, then by activity.

NOTE- To look at detailed information for a section of the pie chart, click on the section to open a new window. 

List - Below the pie chart section is a detailed list of all activity that makes up the pie chart, sorted and presented as requested by the user.

  • Association -  The name of the Association in which the Activity was completed.

  • User -  The User login name associated with the Activity. 

  • User Name - The name of the User associated with the Activity.

  • Activity Type -  The type of Activity completed. 

  • Activity Title - The Title of the Activity. Example - If the Type was eBlast", then the Title will be the Title of the eBlast in question.