Learn how to review and vote on Architectural requests submitted by Owners. 

Board Members or members of an assigned Architectural Committee can use the portal to review, discuss and make decisions regarding Architectural requests. 

NOTE- To utilize this feature you must have a login with access. If you are unable to use this feature, please contact your site Administrator. 

Review and Submit your Decisions on ARC Plans

Step 1.  Login to the Community Portal.

Step 2. Click the Board Portal tab from the menu on the left. 

Step 3.  Click the Architectural Request button from either the Dashboard or the menu on the left. 

NOTE- These tabs are customizable, and as such, the location and label may vary. 

Step 4. From the list of newly submitted Architectural requests, click the edit Pencil icon for the plan you want to review. 

Step 5. Review the ARC request from the ARC Plan Edit  page. 

General Section- This section includes basic information about the request, including the name and Unit address for the request, a brief description of the work and contact information. 

Resolution Section- This section describes the current status of the request. 

Recommendation Section- This section is used to make your recommendation after reviewing the request. See Step 7 below for more information.

Documents Section- This section is where all documents related to the ARC Request will be stored, including the original request form. For more information, see Step 6 below. 

Committee Recommendation- This section lists the responses by other committee members.

Construction Section- This section displays the construction details including Start and End dates and contractor contact information. This information is completed by the Owner. 

Step 6. In the Documents section, click on the hyperlink for the uploaded ARC Request form to begin reviewing the Owner’s request. 

Step 7. After reviewing the Owner’s request, use the Recommendation Section to submit your response. 

Select your recommendation from the drop down menu. 

Use the Comment section to add important details regarding your decision. 

Click the Save Recommendation button when complete.