Firm > Manage Firm - Field Labels Tab 

Learn how to create custom fields. 

Field Labels are additional fields, at the Account or Unit level, that can be customized to meet specific requirements for a community, or management company. These customized fields can be used as merge fields in documents, and other communications, used for billing and reporting purposes, and in searching and sorting information. 

Field Labels can be assigned to the Account or to the Unit. 

Account Field Label- These labels are edited on the Owner Account Page, Account Information Tab (Main Tab), in the Account Detail Section. 

Unit Field Label- These labels are edited on the Association > Manage Unit Page, in the Unit Detail Section. 

Field Labels can contain Text, or a Check box that acts as a yes/no option. 

Text Labels will appear on the Account, or Unit as a blank text field, that can be used to enter information. For example, if the Association has assigned parking, a field labeled Parking Space can be used to enter the residents assigned parking space number.

Check Box Labels are used for yes or no information. For example, if the Association provides a mowing service that can be opted in or out of, a checkbox field labeled Mowing Service is checked for YES, or left unchecked for NO.

Add a New Account Field Label

Step 1. Navigate to Firm > Manage Firm, then click the Field Labels tab. This page will display all existing Field Labels and which ones are currently Enabled

Step 2. Enter a Title in any unused Field Label. 

Step 3. Click the Enabled check box to the right. 

Step 4. Click the Save button to finalize.

Add a New Unit Field Label

Unit Field Labels are created at the Unit level and can be used to differentiate between Types of Lots, location of the lots, amenities available to the Lot etc…

Step 1. Navigate to Association > Manage Unit.

The labels below are visible in the Unit Details portion of the Owner Account information.

Step 2. Enter a Title in an unused Field Label. 

Step 3. Click the Enabled check box to the right. 

Step 4. Click the Save button to finalize.