Use this article to assist in the process of downloading and editing uManage documents in Word. 

Making Changes: 

1. Locate the Account in Question to edit the Document (Find Account page)

2. Once the account is found, locate the corresponding Action to Edit. Click the Green Selector icon to Expand the activity and click the Action to view the Documents in process. 

3. Locate the document currently in the Generated State and click on the "Action Status" 

4. This will then provide a Generate Options menu. Click the "Edit" icon to down load a copy in Word: 

5. Once in Word, Locate the area to make the Changes > Edit the document to complete the Changes 

6. Once complete, click the Save 

7. This will then Translate back to the system. Return back to the Account > Click on Actions > Click on the Action Status to view the Generate options once again > Click "Print" 

8. Once printed, the View Document function can be utilized to ensure changes were saved: