This page outlines the steps for uploading coupons to LetterStream.

Step 1. Navigate to the LetterStream website at

Step 2. Log in to your account, or if you have not yet created an account, click the Create Free Account button and follow the steps to create an account.

Step 3. Hover over My Jobs on the menu at the top and select Create New Job from the drop down menu.

Step 4.  Select Send Coupons from the drop down menu. 

Step 5. Complete the fields in the Create a New Job window. 

  • I would like to - Select Send Coupons from the drop down menu. 

  • My job name - Enter a description for the job.

  • My recipient address(es) will come from - Click the Choose File button and select the saved Coupon CSV file on your computer. 

  • I would like my mailing sent - Select the 8.5"x11" coupon sheets - 4 coupons per sheet option.

Step 6. Click the Continue button to go to the next step. 

CSV Partial Preview and Field Selection

Step 1. Review the fields below for accuracy and make any necessary corrections. 

Step 2. Click the Continue button to go to the next step. 

Return Address Options

Step 1. Complete fields in the Return Address Options window.


  • Enter Your Return Address - Enter the address for returned mail.

  • Additional Options - Enter remittance address for payments.  

NOTE- If the Remittance Address and Return Address are the same, click on "Please use my return address for remittance address".

Step 2. Click Continue Job to go to the next step.

Job Inserts Review

This section allows you to upload additional inserts, if needed, and to select the type of remittance envelope to include. 

Step 1. Select and complete the items below that apply to your job. 

  • Outer Envelope - Envelope in which Coupons are mailed.

  • Add a Document - This is an optional field that allows you to upload an insert, if needed. 

  • Create a Document - Create an insert to include with Coupons.

  • Main Document - Coupon(s) to be mailed out.  

NOTE- Coupon(s) will not be visible until the Job Recipient List/Review step.

  • Upload a Document - Choose from the following options for previously created insert:

  • Find your file - Click on "Choose File" to choose PDF File to upload for insert.

  • Paper - Choose Paper color and type for insert.

  • Number of Pages - Choose number of Pages for insert.

  • Ink Color - Choose Ink Color for insert.

  • Print Option - Choose either Simplex(one sided) or Duplex(two sided).

  • Add to Saved Items? - Click to save insert and parameters.  Note:  This field is optional.

  • Collate? - Click to Collate inserts.  Note:  This field is optional.

Click the Upload and Add to Mailing button when completed.

  • Add an Envelope- This section allows you to select the type of remittance envelope and the number to be mailed with the Coupons. You can choose from a list of Templates or upload your own.  

  • Select an Envelope Template - Choose Envelopes to be sent with Coupons and click Add.

  • Upload a New Custom Envelope - Choose custom art to print on Envelope(s).

Click Upload and Add to Mailing when completed.

Step 2. Click the Continue to Recipient Review button when completed.

Job Recipient List/Review

  • Job Options - Choose from following options:

  • Update Return Address - Click to make changes to previously entered Return Address.

  • Change Coupon Options - Click to switch from monthly to quarterly coupons if needed. 

 NOTE-  Default is monthly coupons. Click on "Make Quarterly" to change from monthly default to quarterly.


        Click the Submit button when complete.

  • Add Additional Recipient - Click to add Additional Recipient(s) if needed. Enter the name and address and click the Save Changes button when complete. 

  • Active Recipients - Choose from following options:

  • Option - Click to Remove individual recipients if needed.

  • Edit - Click to Edit individual recipients if needed.

  • Proof - Click View to review/download mailing proof.

  • Removed Recipients - List of recipients that have been removed.  Click on Restore to add recipients back to the active list.

Click the Continue button when completed.

Job Confirmation

Required - Review acknowledgements and click on Required if approved and Continue to Payment to go to the next step. 

My Account - Billing Information

Step 1. Click on Job(s) to be selected for payment.

Step 2.  Click on "Expedite" option to choose processing.  Note:  Default is "Normal".

Step 3. Click on Complete Payment when ready for payment.


Enter payment information and click the Pay button at the bottom when complete.