Use this article to assist in the process of adding Ballot Items to an Election. Please note, the Election must first be established prior to adding Ballot Items.
Adding Ballot Items:
1. Locate the Manage Election Page from the Activities Drop-Down >
2. Here, search for the Community/Election >
3. To Edit the Ballot Items, click the Pencil of the election >
4. This will then provide a Window in which the Ballot Items tab can be accessed:
5. To create a new Ballot Item, click the Add Ballot option:
6. This will then provide a new Ballot Item where you can update the Title/Description/Type/Num Selection and any File attachments:
Adding Ballot Item Choices:
1. Locate the Manage Ballot Items window >
2. Select the Ballot Item to add a new Choices >
3. Right-Click on the Ballot Item Choices icon to reveal the "Add Choice" option >
4. This will then provide a window in which the Ballot Choice information can be updated: