Firm > Manage Action Types
Use this page to create and manage Delinquency Action Types that are used to define the various actions or activities to be performed in a Delinquency Workflow.
Each step, or activity, performed within a workflow is first set up as an Action Type at the Firm level and can be used in multiple Workflows. Each Action Type can be used to generate a document, and email, or both.
Add New Action Type
Step 1. Navigate to Firm > Manage Action Types.
Step 2. Select Delinquency from the Activity Type dropdown menu.
Step 3. Select Add Action Type from the Page Actions drop down menu.
Step 4. Complete the fields in the Action Type pop up window.
Action Type Section
Title - Enter name of the new Action Type.
Title 2 - Enter alternate name of the new Action Type, if needed.
Send Document - Click to enable a hard copy document to be generated for this Action Type.
NOTE- If more than one owner exists and multiple documents are needed, that can be adjusted by updating "Document Merge Type". CLICK HERE for more information.
Send Email - Click to enable an email document to be generated for this Action Type. When checked, uManage will send the document to the primary email on the owner's account.
Send Notification Of Accounts Without An Email Address - This function will send an email to a specified recipient with all documents attached for owners that do not have an email address on file.
NOTE- This option is only available if "Send Email" is the only option chosen. if "Send Document" is chosen as well, the system will not generate an additional user email.
Auto Processing - Choose level of automation(or none at all) for the workflow as follows:
No Auto Processing
Auto Generate
Auto Print
Auto Finalize
Auto Fulfillment
Prevent Future Processing - This feature prevents additional processing beyond the initial action.
Min Elapsed Days - This sets the lowest amount of days that have passed before this Action Type can be processed.
Show On Activity Reports - Click this box to include this Action Type in the activity report.
Mailing Section
Allow Fulfillment - Click this box to choose mailing fulfillment by LetterStream.
NOTE- Selecting this option will open the Fulfillment Options Section
Include Coversheet - Click this box to add a cover sheet to the document during the mailing process.
Duplex - Click this box for duplex printing.
Outer Envelope Message - Click this box to include a message on the outer mailing envelope - "Homeowner Statement Enclosed Message". If this box is not clicked, no message will appear on the outer mailing envelope.
Certified Mail Type - Select Certified with return receipt or Certified without return receipt from the dropdown menu.
NOTE - This is only needed if the Send Via field is set to Certified and Regular or Certified.
Ink - This drop-down allows user(s) to delineate between color or black ink preferences.
Paper - This drop-down menu allows user(s) to choose the color of paper on which the document will print.
Return Envelope - This drop-down menu allows user(s) to choose whether or not to include a return envelope with the mailing. User(s) can also choose which type of return envelope to include.
Document Merge Type - This drop-down menu allows user(s) to choose additional document recipient(s) if needed other than the primary owner.
Email Information - This section allows user(s) to customize email sent to recipients. Note - This section is only available if "Send Email" is clicked.
Send Via - This drop-down menu allows for the association to choose the method in which these letters are sent as follows:
Certified and Regular
Create Label - Click this box to create a label with the document.
Document Template - Upload the document that will be sent. Note - Templates are documents with various merge fields in which that document can pull information from the account, association and/or firm.