Manage Bank - New UI
Banking > Manage Bank
Use this page to add, view and manage banks.
Add banks at a Firm level to allow the same Bank to be used by any Association, bypassing the need to enter core information about the Bank each time a new Bank Account is created.
Add a Bank
Step 1. Navigate to Banking > Manage Banks.
Step 2. Select Add Bank from the Page Actions drop down menu.
Step 3. Complete the fields in the Management Bank popup window.
Bank Section
Name - Enter Name of bank.
Address Line 1 - Enter the first line of the bank address.
Address Line 2 - Enter the second line of bank address.
Address Line 3 - Enter the third line of the bank address.
City - Enter City of bank.
State/Zip - Enter State/Zip of bank.
MICR Routing Number - Enter MICR Routing Number for the bank.
Signers - Add name of Signer(s) if the same for all bank accounts. NOTE: This field is informational only.
Lockbox Address
Address 1 - Enter the first line of the lockbox address.
Address 2 - Enter the second line of the lockbox address.
Address CSZ - Enter city, state and zip of lockbox address.
Bank Integration
Bank - Choose Bank if using Bank Integration.
Hold Former Owner Payment Days - Indicate number of days to hold former owner payments.
Note - Add any Notes needed.
Step 4. Click the Save button to finalize the record.
Edit a Bank
Click the Pencil icon to edit a Bank.
Delete a Bank
Click the X icon to delete a Bank.
NOTE- Some Banks may not be able to be deleted and some details may not be able to be changed.