Accounting > AP > Manage Strongroom Exceptions
This page is used to identify issues that may occur during integration and provides steps to resolve them.
Examples of Exceptions:
- ‘Voucher does not exist’ shows that the payment file was sent via integration, but the voucher is not in uManage.
- Resolution: Mark the invoices in Strongroom to be re-sent to eUnify and then run the integration. Also, missing invoices can be entered manually into uManage.
- Resolution: Mark the invoices in Strongroom to be re-sent to eUnify and then run the integration. Also, missing invoices can be entered manually into uManage.
- ‘Period 03/31/2024 is closed’ shows that the period in uManage is closed, but the file with vouchers was sent via integration.
- Resolution: Reopen the period and run the integration again.
- ‘MSG1710 - Voucher payment ID 1107315 cannot be voided because it is reconciled’
- Resolution: Go to Banking > Manage Bank Reconciliation and click "x" to reopen the reconciliation. Click off the item to void. Then, click "Save" or "Save and Post.
From the ‘Page Action’ button there are several options:
Create Strongroom Files: Creates a file with all information that uManage sends to Strongroom. This includes accounts, balances, and bank accounts for all associations.
Import to Strongroom: Files created for Strongroom will now be sent.
Export From Strongroom: Allows exporting invoices and payments from Strongroom to prepare them for export from Strongroom.
Export to CSV: Creates a file with all exceptions, making it easier for the user to investigate them.