Firm > Manage Vendor  or 

Accounting >  A/P > Manage Vendor

Use this page to View, Edit, Delete or add new Vendors. 

NOTE- Vendors are set up at the Firm level and assigned to specific Associations for which they perform work.  

To Search and View a Vendor list

The Search screen allows you to narrow your search for a Vendor or Vendors by Association, Group of Associations (My Associations) or across all Associations, or by Branch, if applicable. 

Step 1- Navigate to Firm > Manage Vendor  or Accounting >  A/P > Manage Vendor.

Step 2- Complete Search fields to narrow your search. 

  • Branch- Use this field to Search all Vendors within a specific Branch (if applicable).

  • Association- Use this field to Search all Vendors within a specific Association or My Associations or leave blank to Search all.  

  • Work Order Type- Use this field to Search for Vendors based on a Work Order Type.

  • Status- Use this field to Search for Vendors based on their Status (Active/Inactive or Hold)

  • Contains- Enter all or part of the Vendor name to narrow the Search to a particular vendor. 

Delete a Vendor

NOTE- You cannot delete a Vendor with payments associated with it. If a Vendor is no longer being used, you can Inactivate the Vendor by editing the record (see instructions below) and unchecking the Active box.

Step 1- Locate the Vendor you want to Delete, per the Instructions above. 

Step 2- Click the X Icon to Delete the record. 

Step 3- Click OK on the confirmation pop up box.

To Edit a Vendor

Step 1. Click the Pencil icon to open the record.

Step 2. Make necessary changes.

Step 3- Click the Save button to finalize your changes.

Add a New Vendor

Step 1- Navigate to Firm > Manage Vendor  or Accounting >  A/P > Manage Vendor

Step 2- Select Add Vendor from the Page Actions down menu.

Step 3- Enter data in the fields below and additional Tabs. See descriptions below for more information on each data entry field. 

General Tab Vendor Section

  • Legal Name - Enter the Legal Name for the Vendor (to be used for 1099s)

  • Title - Enter the legal name for the vendor

  • Category - Additional Filtering field that can further delineate the vendors by specific categories 

  • Status - Enter the status of the vendor 

  • Active - The vendor is in good standing and can have new invoices, work orders, and payments created

  • Inactive - Not currently in use

  • Hold - Vendors on hold are not eligible to receive payment, new invoices or new work orders.  When putting a vendor on manual hold, a hold reason must also be selected. Hold reasons are managed on the Manage Vendor Hold Type page.  A vendor may be automatically placed on hold if one or more of their documents have expired and the document type is set to auto-hold.  See the Manage Vendor Document Type page. CLICK HERE for more information 

  • Address - Enter the vendor's mailing address

  • Contact - One or multiple contacts can be entered for the vendor on the Contacts tab.  The primary contact displayed on the General tab.

  • Phone- Enter the primary phone number.

  • Alt. Phone- Enter an optional phone number.

  • Fax- Enter a Fax number.

  • Email- Enter the primary email address. 

  • Email2- Enter an optional email address.

  • Service Description - Enter a description of the services provided by the vendor.

  • Notes - Enter any vendor-specific notes.

General Tab - Details Section

  • Federal Tax Id- enter the Federal EIN or the TIN for the vendor.  This information is used by the 1099 process.

  •  Apply to all associations - Check this box to make the vendor eligible for work orders in all associations.  If unchecked, specify the associations on the Associations tab.

  • 1099 - Check this box to create 1099's for this vendor.

  • 1099 Name -Enter the name to display on the 1099 form.  If blank, the 1099 process will use the value in the Legal E. Name field.  This allows having checks print using the DBA name (Legal Name field) and the 1099 print using the corporate name.

  • W-9 Form - Capture a file upload of the vendor's W-9 form.

  • Website - Enter the URL for the vendor's website.

General Tab - A/P Section

  • Terms - Select the terms that apply to the vendor.  These terms are used to calculate the payment due date for the vendor's invoices.

  • Memo - Enter a memo to be included on vendor invoices.

  • Combine Invoice - Check this box to combine invoices onto a single check when paying invoices. 

NOTE- Invoices can be combined onto a single check if they are paid on the same day from the same bank account for the same vendor.

General Tab - Vendor Portal Section

  • Create Vendor link - Click this link to create a vendor user associated with the vendor which is used to access the vendor portal

  • User Id - This field will auto complete when the Create Vendor Link is activated

  • User Name - This field will auto complete when the Create Vendor Link is activated

General Tab - Remit To Section

  • Use Remit To Address - Check this box if payments should be mailed to an alternate address other than the one provided on the W-2. If the box is checked more fields will open to add address information.

General Tab - Payment Section

  • Pay Via- Select the default payment method from the dropdown menu.

General Tab - Strong Room Section (for users of the Strong Room)

  • Workers Comp- Select entry from dropdown menu.

  • Liability- Select entry from dropdown menu.

Associations Tab- Select all Associations that will potentially use this Vendor, by highlighting the name in the All Associations pane, then use the left arrow to move it to the Selected Associations pane.

NOTE- Use the CRTL key to select multiple associations one at a time, or Shift to select a range. 

Branches Tab - If Branches are used for the Association, you can also assign selected Branches to a Vendor. Select all Branches that will potentially use this Vendor, by highlighting the name in the All Branches pane, then use the left arrow to move it to the Selected Branches pane.

NOTE- Use the CRTL key to select multiple branches one at a time, or Shift to select a range. 

Work Order Types Tab- Work Order Types are used to differentiate the types of work a specific Vendor will do. This is useful when assigning a new Work Order. To assign Work Order Types, select all Work Order Types that may apply to this Vendor, by highlighting the Type in the All WO Types pane, then use the left arrow to move it to the Selected WO Types pane.

NOTE- Use the CRTL key to select multiple branches one at a time, or Shift to select a range. 

Documents Tab

Use this tab to view and manage vendor documents such as Contracts, Liability Insurance and Licensing. This Tab also allows you to track the Expiration date of various documents and to automatically put Vendors in Hold status based on the status of their documents.

Add Document

Step 1- Click the Add Document button to open a new window.

Step 2- Complete the fields below

  • Document Type- Select the Document type from the drop down menu.

  • Name- Enter the Name for the document. 

  • Number- Enter a Number for the document, if applicable.

  • Date From- Enter the starting date for the contract, insurance policy etc…

  • Date To- Enter the ending date for the contract, insurance policy etc…

  • File- Click Select to upload the File.

  • Active- Click this checkbox to indicate if the Document is Active or Inactive. This allows the system to retain expired documents for future reference. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Contacts Tab 


Use this tab to manage the vendor contacts. An unlimited number of contacts can be added but only one contact can be designated as the primary contact. The primary contact receives email notifications generated by the system.

Add a New Contact

Step 1. Click the Add Contact button.

  • Step 2. Complete fields in the pop up window. 

  • Title- Enter the Contact Title (if applicable)

  • Contact Name- Enter the Contact name

  • Branch- Enter the Branch from the dropdown menu (if applicable)

  • Primary- Check to make this the Primary Contact for this Vendor

  • Phone- Enter the Primary phone number. 

  • Alt Phone- Enter the Primary phone number. 

  • Fax- Enter a Fax number (if applicable) 

  • Email- Enter the Primary email address 

  • Email2- Enter an alternate email address (if applicable)

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Reviews Tab 

This Tab allows users to rate and leave reviews for Vendors. 

Step 1. Click the Add Review to open the Review popup window.

Step 2. Click on the Stars to rate the Vendor.

Step 3. Add a comment in the Comment field. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.