Use this page to pay Ready to Pay invoices. 

NOTE- Prior to the Pay Invoice stage, all invoices must be entered and Approved via the Manage Invoice page, CLICK HERE for more information. 

Pay Invoice or Invoices

Step 1. Navigate to Accounting > A/P > Pay Invoice

Step 2. Complete the Search fields to locate the Invoice or Invoices that need to be paid. 

  • Association- Use the dropdown menu to return a list of Invoices for a selected Association or an Association Group.

  • Vendor- Use the dropdown menu to return a list of Invoices for a selected Vendor.

  • Past Due- Use the dropdown menu to select only Past Due invoices or those that are not Past Due.

  • Contains- Enter all or part of identifying information to find a particular Invoice

Step 3. Click the Search button to return a list of Invoices to pay in the Pay Invoice screen. The page is separated by bank account and shows the current balance and the projected remaining balance after invoice(s) are paid. This improves visibility and helps Users avoid overdrafts. 

NOTE-The current bank balance is the GL balance and not the actual bank balance (for those bank accounts that are integrated). The GL balance displayed includes all GL transactions including future dated transactions as this provides enhanced visibility to the true balance in the account.

Step 4. Review information for accuracy and make any necessary changes to the following Fields. 

NOTE- At this stage you can choose to pay the entire invoice, a portion of the Invoice, or apply an Open Credit Memo to the Invoice. 

  • Bank Account- Select the correct Bank Account from the dropdown menu. The current Bank Account Balance along with the last 4 digits of the account number is visible on the menu.

  • NOTE- Depending on the Bank Account settings, the system may prevent a payment if it will result in the bank account going negative.

  • Pay Via- Select a Payment method from the dropdown menu.

  • Check- Select this option if you are processing a check through the eUnify system. 

  • Auto-Debit- Select this option to pay via Auto-Draft or Auto-Debit. No further processing is done on auto-debits.  

  • Manual Check- Select this option if you are using a manual checkbook.  No further processing is done on manual checks.

  • Check Date- Select the date of the check. 

  • Amount- Enter the Amount if you want to pay less than the full invoice. If you pay less than the full amount due, the Invoice will remain open so that additional payments can be made. 

Credit Memo

Credit Memo is a refund or credit from a Vendor that can be applied to Open Invoices. In reviewing Open Invoices, if you see “CM” in the Credit Memo Column, it means there is an Open Credit Memo for the Vendor. If there is an Open Credit Memo, follow the steps below, if not, skip to Step 4 below.


Step 1. Click the CM hyperlink to open the Credit Memo popup window.

Step 2. In the Payment field enter the amount of the credit memo you want to apply to the open Invoice. If the Credit Memo exceeds the payment amount, it will reduce the remaining credit by the amount entered, and leave the balance available for future invoices. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize the credit application and return to the Pay Invoice screen.

Step 4. Once all necessary changes have been made and any Credit Memos applied, check the boxes of all Invoices to be paid, or check the box at the top to select all. 

Step 5. Select Process Payment from the Page Actions drop down menu.  


Once Invoices have been paid, the next step is to generate a check (unless paid via Auto-Draft or a Manual check). CLICK HERE for more information.