Accounting > A/P > 1099 Processing > Process 1099 Forms
Use this page to generate 1099 Forms.
Before you can generate 1099 Forms, some set up is required. CLICK HERE for more information.
Generate/Process 1099 Forms
Step 1. Navigate to Accounting > A/P > 1099 Processing > Process 1099 Forms.
Step 2. Enter the following information in the Search filters:
Vendor - Enter a Vendor name to search, or leave blank to include all Vendors.
Year - Enter the correct year.
All/Included Associations - To add specific Associations or a Group of Associations, check the boxes for the Associations or Association Groups you want to include, or click the top box to include all Associations.
Step 3. Check the boxes for all records that need 1099’s, or check the top box to select all records.
Step 4. Select Generate from the Page Actions drop down menu.
Step 5. The system will generate a PDF file for printing that will automatically download to your computer.
Printing the Forms
In order to print Forms 1099 and 1096, your data will need to line up properly on the form. Begin by printing a single form on paper and comparing it to the Tax form. If the data lines up properly, you can print the Forms. If they do not, use the Up/Down and Left/Right output fields to make alignment changes, testing after each change, until the forms line up properly.
To use the Up/Down and Left/Right inputs, enter a number indicating how far the data needs to move in Pixel distance, and then select Up/Down or Left/Right as needed.