Activities > Find Account or Dashboard > Account Search
Learn how to add a Credit directly to an Owner Account.
NOTE- This page details how to add a credit or credits to a single account. To add credits to multiple accounts use the Manage Account Credit page. CLICK HERE for more information.
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Find Account or Dashboard > Account Search
Step 2. Use the Search fields to locate the correct Account.
Step 3. Click the hyperlink corresponding to the account.
Step 4. Click on the Transaction Tab.
Step 5. Click the Add Credit link to open the Account Credit window.
Step 6. Enter details for the Credit
Account Credit Section
Association - This field will automatically populate with the Owner’s Association.
Date - Select or enter the correct date from the calendar. This is the date the credit will appear on the Owner ledger.
NOTE- The date must be in an open period.
Amount - Enter the Total Amount of ALL Credits being entered.
Memo - Enter memo for credit.
NOTE- This Memo will show in the general ledger, but not on the owner's account.
Description - Enter a description for the credit.
Account Section
NOTE- To add multiple credits, complete additional rows until all credits are entered.
Account - This field will automatically populate with the Owner’s Name.
Trans Type - Choose the correct Trans Type from the dropdown menu.
Amount - Enter the amount of the credit.
Memo - Enter a Memo for the credit, if applicable.
NOTE- This Memo will show on the owner's account, but not in the general ledger.
Step 7. When all credits have been entered, check the Open amount to make sure your individual entries match the Total Amount entered at the top. If all is correct, the Open Credits will be $0.00
Step 8. Click the Save and Post button to complete.
Files Tab
Use the Files tab to upload documents related to the Credit if needed.