Reports > Management - Management Tab

Run a report to view violations. 

Step 1. Navigate to Reports >  Management - Management Tab

Step 2. Select Violation Report or Violation Detail Report (samples below).

Step 3. Complete the fields below to apply custom filters to the Report. 

NOTE- Fields will differ in the two reports. 

NOTE- The Association filter must be selected, but all other filters are optional. 

  • Select Association- Choose the correct Association from the drop-down menu

  • Select Association Section- Choose the Association Section.

  • Account Type- Select an Account Type from the drop down menu.

  • Status- Select the correct Status from the drop down menu.

  • At Attorney- Select accounts at the attorney, or not at the attorney, if applicable. 

  • Show Notes- Check the box if you want Violation Notes to appear on the report. 

  • Note Date- Choose how far back to include Notes on the report from the drop-down menu.

  • Show Discussions- Check the box if you want Discussions to appear on the report. 

  • Only include Violations with Hearings- Check the box if you only want to see Violations with scheduled hearings. 

  • Show Thumbnail Image - Check the box if you want the Violation Thumbnail to appear on the report. 

  • Detailed Images- Select how many images should appear on the report. 

  • Image Size- Select the size of the images on the report. 

  • Location- Enter all or part of a Location Title. 

  • Address/Account Filter- Enter all or part of the Address

  • Create Date- Select how far back to include the Create Date.

  • Last Inspection Date- Select how far back to include the last Inspection date.  

  • Step Date- Select how far back to include the steps taken. . 

  • Closed Date- Select how far back to include the Closed Date

Apply multiple filters:

To use the filters below, select an item from the menu on the left and move it to the right using the right arrow. 

  • Include Violations With the Selected Vio Types

  • Include Violations With the Selected Vio Sub-Types

  • Include Violations With the Selected Last Actions

  • Include Violations With the Selected Next Actions

  • Sort by 1- Applies a filter for sorting. 

  • Sort by 2- Applies a 2nd filter for sorting. 

Step 4. Click the Report button to generate the report.

Sample Violation Report

Sample Violation Detail Report