Reports > Management - Management Tab
Run a report to view violations.
Step 1. Navigate to Reports > Management - Management Tab
Step 2. Select Violation Report or Violation Detail Report (samples below).
Step 3. Complete the fields below to apply custom filters to the Report.
NOTE- Fields will differ in the two reports.
NOTE- The Association filter must be selected, but all other filters are optional.
Select Association- Choose the correct Association from the drop-down menu
Select Association Section- Choose the Association Section.
Account Type- Select an Account Type from the drop down menu.
Status- Select the correct Status from the drop down menu.
At Attorney- Select accounts at the attorney, or not at the attorney, if applicable.
Show Notes- Check the box if you want Violation Notes to appear on the report.
Note Date- Choose how far back to include Notes on the report from the drop-down menu.
Show Discussions- Check the box if you want Discussions to appear on the report.
Only include Violations with Hearings- Check the box if you only want to see Violations with scheduled hearings.
Show Thumbnail Image - Check the box if you want the Violation Thumbnail to appear on the report.
Detailed Images- Select how many images should appear on the report.
Image Size- Select the size of the images on the report.
Location- Enter all or part of a Location Title.
Address/Account Filter- Enter all or part of the Address.
Create Date- Select how far back to include the Create Date.
Last Inspection Date- Select how far back to include the last Inspection date.
Step Date- Select how far back to include the steps taken. .
Closed Date- Select how far back to include the Closed Date.
Apply multiple filters:
To use the filters below, select an item from the menu on the left and move it to the right using the right arrow.
Include Violations With the Selected Vio Types
Include Violations With the Selected Vio Sub-Types
Include Violations With the Selected Last Actions
Include Violations With the Selected Next Actions
Sort by 1- Applies a filter for sorting.
Sort by 2- Applies a 2nd filter for sorting.
Step 4. Click the Report button to generate the report.
Sample Violation Report
Sample Violation Detail Report