Did you know it's easy to customize Tabs on the Find Account page? Tabs can be deleted or added and even rearranged to make it easier for Users to find what they need based on their job responsibilities. 

To Customize Tabs on the Find Account Page

NOTE- Some Tabs may not be accessible based on the permissions for the User Profile. Please see your Administrator if you need access to a Tab that isn’t available. 

Step 1. Navigate to Administrative > Manage Profiles.

Step 2.  Click the Pencil icon for the Profile you want to edit. 

Step 3. Click the Arrow to open the Activities menu, and then click the Pencil icon next to Find Account.

Step 4.  Click the Tabs tab.

Step 5. Use your cursor to drag and drop the Tab Headings to or from All Elements or Selected Elements windows. Then drag and drop within Selected Elements to customize the order in which they appear. 

Step 6.  Click the Save button when complete.

This feature works with User Profiles. If you need a refresher on how to Add and Edit User Profiles, CLICK HERE for more information.