Activities > Violations > Setup > Manage Firm Violation Type
Use this page to create and manage Violation Types at the Firm level.
Firm Violation Types are set up at the Firm level and are available for all Associations to use. Further details and customization can be added at the Association level.
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Violations > Setup > Manage Firm Violation Type.
Step 2. Select Add Firm Violation Type from the Page Actions menu.
Step 3. Complete the fields in the Firm Violation Type window.
Title- Enter a Title for the new Violation Type
Copy to new Owner- Check this box if this Violation should transfer to the new owner when a property changes hands
Show on Mobile- Check this box if the Violation should be viewable on the Mobile app.
Show on Desktop- Check this box if the Violation should be viewable on a desktop device.
Step 4. Click the Save Add button to finalize the new Type.