Activities > Time > Manage Time Entries
Use this page to edit and add Time Entries.
Add a Time Entry
This allows you to add a new Time Entry without using the Timer function.
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Time > Manage Time Entries.
Step 2. Select Add Time Entry from the Page Actions drop down menu.
Step 3. Complete the Fields in the Note window.
Association- Select the correct Association from the drop down menu.
Show Only My- Check to show only Associations assigned to the User.
Section- Select the correct Section from the drop down menu.
Type- Select the Note Type from the drop down menu.
Private- Check if the Note should remain private.
Quick Note- Select a Quick Note from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Note Date- Enter the date for the Note.
Billable- Check if the Entry is billable.
Time Types- Select the correct Time Type from the drop down menu.
Hours- Enter the number of hours spent on the activity.
Enter Note- Enter additional details about the time spent.
Step 4. Click the Save Add button to finalize.
Edit a Time Entry
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Time > Manage Time Entries.
Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the Time Entry you need to edit.
Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to open the record.
Step 4. Make any necessary changes.
Step 5. Click the Save Add button to finalize.
Delete a Time Entry
Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Time > Manage Time Entries.
Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the Time Entry you need to delete.
Step 3. Click the Trash icon to delete the record.
Step 4. Click OK in the confirmation window.