Activities > Time >  Time Analyzer

The Timer function can be used to calculate the time used for projects. You can set up specific types of services, such as printing or copying paperwork, accounting, research or even onsite projects. The information gained from using the Time feature can then be used for a variety of needs such as allocating resources, estimating a job, or billing charges to a Community or Owner. Use this page to sort and analyze Time Entries.

Analyze Time Entries

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Time >  Time Analyzer.

Step 2. Complete the filters to sort and analyze your Time Entries by selected criteria. 

Step 3.  Select a sort criteria from the drop down menu. The first box will be the primary sort and each subsequent criteria chosen will sort within the preceding criteria. 

Step 4.  After selecting your sort criteria, click the Search button to return your analysis. 

Below the pie chart is a list of all entries.