Firm > Manage Firm - Mobile App Tab
Use this page to enter information for the Management Company.
Mobile App
This tab indicates the mobile application syncing process and the Version that the firm is currently operating on. This tab will also handle the time frame that inspection pins are displayed as pending re-inspection.
Auto Sync Interval - The uManage mobile app automatically syncs with the uManage servers in the background. This setting determines how often this automatic sync occurs.
No Violation Message - The default message that is displayed when there are no open violations.
No Work order Message - The default message that is displayed when there are no open work orders.
Show Closed Work Order Days - The number of days uManage will display closed work orders.
Show Closed Violation Days - The number of days uManage will display closed violations.
Reinspect Closed Violation Days - The number of days after a violation is closed that it can be reinspected. If outside this window, a new violation would need to be entered.
Auto Map Refresh - The amount of time, in minutes, until the system automatically refreshes the map.
Display Inspected Pins In Grey For - A grey pin means the property has been recently inspected. This setting determines how long a property is deemed to have been recently inspected.
Reset Frequent Violation Stats Days - When entering a violation the app tracks and displays recently-added violations at the top in grey for easy, one-touch access. This setting determines when these usage stats are reset.
Download Multi-association - Check to enable true offline mode on the mobile app. Offline mode allows you to download multiple associations into the mobile device so inspections can be performed without any wifi or cellular access.
Remaining Inspection Filter - This setting determines the behavior of the Remaining Inspections filter when an account has more than one open violation.
uManage IOS Version - Displays the latest iOS version of the uManage mobile app.
uManage Android Version - Displays the latest Android version of the uManage mobile app.
Community Link IOS Version - Displays the latest iOS version of the CommunityLink mobile app.
Community Link Android Version - Displays the latest Android version of the CommunityLink mobile app.