Did you know that you can add a 2nd ledger to your Owner accounts? It takes only a few minutes to do and may solve many custom billing challenges.
The main ledger in uManage includes all charges and payments on the Owner account, but you can add multiple ledgers to bill some certain charges separately, such as a Special Assessments, Maintenance Fees or other incidental charges specific to a community.
Step 1. Navigate to Association > Manage Association.
Step 2. Scroll down to locate the Association, or enter the name in the Contains search field.
Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to Edit the record.
Step 4. Click on the A/R tab to view the association ledger details.
Step 5. Complete the Ledger Num portion of the window and Check the Box to Enable access on the accounts.
Name- Enter the name for the Ledger
Number- Enter a number to use for reference for the new ledger.
Enabled- Check the box to make the ledger available to all Accounts.
Show on Portal- Click this to make the ledger available on the Portal
Step 6. Click the Save button to create the new ledger.
PART 2- Select Transaction Types
Once you have created the new Ledger, the next step is to link specific Transaction Types to the ledger. For example if you have created a separate ledger for Fines, you will need to link all Fine Transaction Types to the new ledger.
Step 1. Navigate to Accounting > Financial > Association GL SetUp
Step 2. Select the Association from the dropdown menu and click the Search button.
Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to Edit the record
Step 4. Click the Trans Type tab.
Step 5. This window will display the various Trans Types for the Association. Click the Pencil icon on the Trans Type you want to add to a new ledger. If the ledger includes multiple Trans Types, each type must be added separately.
Step 6. Complete the fields in the Overview window. Receivable, Revenue, Prepaid and Department will all auto populate based on the set up for the Transaction Type selected
Association Ledger Num- Select the newly created Ledger from the dropdown menu.
Writeoff- Select GL Accounts that may be used for write offs. These accounts will appear in a drop down menu when a write off transaction is added to an account.
Step 7. Click the Save button to finalize.