The Manage API (Application Programming Interface)
Administration > Manage API
The Manage API (Application Programming Interface) page is used to provide select access to your uManage data via web services. You can create access credentials that limit the available data by association and method (ie. type of data). Once the credentials are created, provide them to your 3rd party developer to allow them to consume the data output by the web service.
NOTE- See the PDF at the bottom of this article for code samples and instructions for accessing the API.
Enable API Credentials
Step 1. Navigate to Administration > Manage API.
Step 2. Select Add Permission from the Page Action dropdown menu.
Step 3. Complete the Firm WebService window.
Firm WebService Tab - Overview Section
Firm Id- This field will default.
Type- Select the correct Type from the dropdown menu. Your Web professional should be able to assist you with this option.
Web Service URL- This field will default and can be used by your web professional.
Title - Enter a descriptive title for the credentials.
Enabled - Check to enable the credentials. When unchecked, the credentials cannot be used to access the web service methods.
Apply to All Associations - Check to grant access to all current and future associations to the API credentials. If unchecked, use the following Association Tab to select associations.
Firm WebService Tab - Method Section
Use this section to select applicable Methods for this API permission.
Association Tab
Use this Tab to select all Associations that will use this permission.
Step 4. Click the Save button to generate the API credentials and create a unique AuthCode and Password. All four pieces of information are needed to access the API.