Association > Manage Associations - Overview Tab
This Tab is where you will enter, view or edit fundamental information for an Association.
Overview Tab - General Section
Name - Enter a Name for the association.
Legal Name - Enter the Legal Name for the association.
URL - The URL for the association's website (i.e.
Billing System Client Code - This field captures the client's Billing System Code. This can be used as an alternate way of identifying the association.
Federal Tax ID - Enter the association's federal tax identification number - without dashes.
Management Company Branch - Select the correct Branch from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Manager - Choose the assigned property Manager from the drop down menu.
Assistant 1 - Choose the assigned Assistant from the drop down menu.
Assistant 2 - Choose the assigned 2nd Assistant from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Accounting - Choose the assigned property Accountant from the drop down menu.
A/R - Choose the assigned A/R from the drop down menu.
Master Association- Select the Master Association from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Show sub account on Portal- In Associations with both a Master and Sub, this allows both accounts to show on the portal.
Board Signatory - The name of Board Signatory.
Board Signatory Title - Enter the Board Signatory's title.
Legal Entity Desc - This field can be used to provide a description of the Legal Entities tied to the association.
Total Units Buildout - Enter the total number of units in the Association's build-out.
Default Association - Check to make this the Default Association for all pages, bypassing the need to select the Association from a dropdown menu.
Association Type - This allows you to select which type of association you have, either: HOA, Condo, or Other.
Service Type - Select the Service Type from the drop down menu.
NOTE- Service Types are set up on the Manage Association Service Types page. CLICK HERE for more information.
Exclude from Mobile App - Selecting this will exclude this association from the mobile uManage app.
Do Not Manage - You can select this option if you no longer manage this specific association.
Auto Expire Tenants - This option will allow your tenants to auto expire. Every night uManage will check the tenants in the association and compare against their End Date in their Lease, if their End Date has expired - uManage will remove the portal access from the account and move it to a Former Tenant.
Document Header Image- Upload a Header Image to be used on Association documents. The uploaded image can be added to any document by using the header merge field.
Timezone - Select the correct Time Zone for the Association from the dropdown menu.
Monthly Management Fee- Enter the amount of the monthly management fee.
BCC All emails- BCC to get a copy of ALL emails- another way to store emails for research purposes.
Detailed Information Section
Address - Enter the full address and contact information for the Association in the appropriate fields.
Default Email From Name - This is the default name for all emails from the Association.
Default Reply-To Email - The default email address for email replies.
Unit Coordinates Section
This section is used to update the unit address to the map using information provided by Google Maps.
Account Type Section
This section allows for the input of the vote weight and assessment % of the developer, builder, owner, and association.
Advanced Information Section
This section includes detailed information about the Association.