An Architectural or ARC Plan is an Owner’s request to make changes to a property. The ARC function in uManage assists the property Manager and the Association in tracking the stages of submission and approval of an ARC request. Before using the ARC feature the following items must be set up for it to function properly.

  • Association ARC information - CLICK HERE for more information.

  • Firm ARC Action types - See Below

  • Firm ARC Workflow - See Below

  • Firm ARC Plan Types - CLICK HERE for more information.

  • Association ARC Plan Types - CLICK HERE for more information.

Create Firm ARC Action Types

Action Types are the various steps or stages of the ARC approval process. Complete the steps outlined below to create an Action Type for each stage of the process. 

Step 1. Navigate to Process > Setup > Manage Action Types. 

Step 2. Select ARC from the Activity Type drop down menu. 

Step 3. Select Add Action Type from the Page Actions drop down menu. 

Step 4. Complete the fields in the Action Type window. 

General Section

  • Activity Type- This field with auto fill.

  • Title- Enter a Title for the Action.

  • Title 2- Enter a Sub Title, if needed. 

  • Send Document- Check this box if this Action requires a document to be sent to the Owner. 

  • Send Email- Check this box if the document should be sent via email. 

  • Send Notification of account without an email address- If no email address exists for the Owner, select the internal Users who should be notified. 

  • Auto Processing- Select the level of automated processing for associated documents. 

  • No Auto Processing- No automated processing will occur when the action is processed.  The action will be visible on the Activity View page.  Choose this option to manually process all steps.

  • Auto Generate- A processed action will generate the merged Word document and be visible on the Manage Generated page. Choose this option to automate processing through the Generate stage. 

  • Auto Print- A processed action will generate the merged Word document and PDF and be visible on the Manage Printed and Manage Batch pages.  Choose this option to automate processing through the Print stage. 

  • Auto Finalize- A processed action will generate the merged Word document and PDF and finalize the action as if the document was mailed.  The document is visible on the Manage Finalized page. Choose this option to automate processing through the Finalize stage. 

  • Auto Fulfillment- A processed action will generate the merged Word document and PDF, finalize the action and send to fulfillment for mailing.  The document is visible on the Manage Finalized page.  Choose this option to automate processing through the Fulfillment 


  • Prevent Future Processing- Check to stop any further automated processing of the ARC Workflow at this stage. 

  • Min Elapsed Days- Enter the number of days that must pass before this Activity Type is triggered. 

  • Show on Activity Reports- Check this box to show this Action on Activity reports. 

  • Do Not Show-  Check to keep this step from appearing on reports. 

  • Resolution- Check the appropriate Resolution required for this step. 

  • Manager Resolution- Check if the Manager can resolve this step. 

  • Final Resolution- Check if this step is a Final Resolution

  • Disclosure- Check if this step includes a Disclosure

Document Section

Complete this section to set up defaults for sending documents. 

  • Allow Fulfillment- Check this box if you are using a fulfillment service like LetterStream This will open additional fields for completion. 

  • Include CoverSheet - This option allows the fulfillment option to include a CoverSheet.

  • Duplex - Select this option if you want the letter printed on both sides of the paper. 

  • Outer Envelope Message - Use for Statements if you want the envelope to state “Homeowner Statement Enclosed”.

  • Certified Mail Type - Select an option from this menu if the mail out needs to be sent via Certified Mail. 

  • Ink - Select the type of ink, Black or Color, from the drop down menu. 

  • Paper - Select the color of paper you prefer from the drop down menu. 


  • Return Envelope - Select Yes if you want a Return Envelope included in the mailing. 

  • Create Label - This checkbox will create a label for this letter.

  • Send Via - This menu is used to select the delivery method of this particular letter (Certified & Regular, Regular, Or Certified).

  • Document Merge Type - This drop-down menu is used for which users will be sent this particular letter.

  • Document Template - This option allows to have a template added to this particular letter for a more uniform document

Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize the new Action Type. 

Create a New ARC Workflow

A Workflow is a sequence of actions that allows the ARC process to be automated at various stages and to be tracked and managed efficiently. Creating a new ARC Workflow is a two step process. 

Part 1. Create the new Workflow name.

Part 2. Add Action Types to the Workflow. 

PART 1 Create a New Workflow Name

Step 1. Navigate to Process > Setup > Manage Firm Workflow. 

Step 2. Select ARC from the Activity Type dropdown menu. 

Step 3. Select Manage Workflow Name from the Page Actions drop down window. 

Step 4. Select Add Firm Workflow Name from the Page Actions dropdown menu. 

Step 5. Complete the fields in the Manage Firm Workflow Name window. 

Overview Tab - Overview Section

  • Name- Enter a name for the new Workflow. 

  • Activity Type- Select ARC from the drop down menu

Overview Tab - Associations Section

Use this Tab to add Associations to the new Workflow. Highlight the Association (s) that will use this workflow and use the up arrow to move it to the top window. 

Step 6. Click the Save button to add the new Workflow.

PART 2  Add Action Types to the Workflow

Step 1. Navigate to Firm > Manage Firm Workflow. 

Step 2. Select ARC from the Activity Type dropdown menu. 

Step 3. Select the Workflow name from the drop down menu. 

Step 4. Select Add Multiple from the Page Actions dropdown menu.

General Tab- Next Action Section

  • Days Till Next Action- Select the number of days, or use a look up schedule.

  • X Days- Check the box and enter the number of days until the next Action. 

  • Set Next Action  to- Select the next Action from the drop down box. 

  • Limit Next Action to- Select Action Types from the list to limit the next Action to only items selected. This is useful when 

General Tab- Finalized Note Section

Enter a note to be included when the ARC Plan is finalized.

Charge Tab

Use this Tab to set up applicable charges for this Action Type.

Post Date- Select the date the charge should be posted to the account. 

Add a Charge

Step 1. Click the Add Account Charge hyperlink. 

Step 2. Complete the fields in the Charge Info window. 

  • Charge Code- Select the correct charge code from the drop down menu. 

  • Description- Enter a description for the charge.

  • Chargeable- Choose the way the charge will be determined. 

  • Flat Rate- Select this option and enter a dollar amount if it is a flat fee. 

  • Chargeable by Fee Schedule- Select this option if the charge changes per a set schedule.

  • Chargeable by Calculation- Select this option 

Link an ARC Workflow to an Association

If the Association was not added via the Workflow Associations Tab in Part 1, it can be added via the Manage Associations Page. This is useful if an existing ARC Workflow will be used for a new Association. 

Step 1. Navigate to Association > Manage Associations.

Step 2. Click the Pencil icon to open the record. 

Step 3. Select the Workflow Tab.

Step 4. Click the Pencil icon next to the Activity Type to open the Association Workflow window.  

Step 5. Select the correct ARC Workflow name from the drop down menu. 

Step 6. Click the Save button to finalize your changes.