Activities > Find Account - Delinquency Tab or 

Dashboard > Account Search - Delinquency Tab

 Learn more about the Delinquency Tab on the Owner Account page. 

The Delinquency Tab lists all past and present Delinquencies for the Account, as well as the stages of each Delinquency, and also allows you to manage the account delinquency status. 

Add a New Delinquency

Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account

Step 2. Click the Delinquency Tab. 

Step 3. Click the Add Delinquency hyperlink. 

Step 4. Click Confirm in the pop up window. 

Close a Delinquency

When an account has paid in full, or fallen below the balance threshold established by the Association, you may choose to close the Delinquency. 

Step 1. From the Delinquency Tab, click the Red X Circle

Step 2. Click Confirm in the pop-up window. 

View Details-

To view additional information regarding the Delinquency, click the Magnifying Glass icon. 

This will open the following window. 

View Details- General Tab- Shows the Last Action taken and the date. 

View Details-Action TabThis tab Details all steps taken in the collection process and allows the next action to be changed or processed.

Process Next Action

Step 1. Click the Process hyperlink in the row for the next action. 

Step 2. Select from the following options if there is a document associated with this step. This can be used to generate Friendly Reminders, Courtesy Notices, PC209 letters and more for a single account. If there is no document associated with this Action, you can skip this step. 

  • View- Click to view the document associated with this step, if applicable. 

  • Edit- Click to edit the document associated with this step, if applicable. 

  • Re-Generate- Click to re-generate the document associated with this step, if applicable. This is helpful when changes have been made to the template or account.

  • Undo- Select this option to Undo the processing of this action. 

  • Print- Click to Print the document associated with this step, if applicable. 

Step 3. Click the Close button.

Change the Next Action

Step 1. Click the hyperlink for the next action to open details. 

Step 2. Complete the Choose Next Action window. 

  • Proposed Next Action- Select the next action from the drop down menu.

  • Proposed Date- Enter the proposed date for the next action.

  • Reason- Enter a reason the next action is being changed, if needed. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to save your changes, or click Save and Process to save your changes and process the next action. 

View Details-Notes Tab

Step 1. From the Notes Tab, click the Add Note hyperlink. 

Step 2.  Complete the Note window. 

  • Type- Select the Note Type from the drop down menu.

  • Quick Note- Select a Quick Note from the drop down menu, if applicable.

  • NOTE- Quick notes can be used to add commonly needed notes to an account without the need to enter details. CLICK HERE for more information.

  • Note Date- Enter the date of the note. 

  • Associate note with call- When your company utilizes a phone system that integrates with eUnify, you can link call information to your notes. Please contact us if you are interested in this feature. 

  • Billable- Check if the Note relates to time that should be billed back to the Owner. 

  • Time Types- Select the billable Time Type from the drop down menu, if applicable. 

  • Hours- Enter the number of hours to be billed back, if applicable. 

  • Note- Enter Note details. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to add another Note.

View Details-Documents Tab- This Tab allows you to upload documents related to the delinquency and to view previously uploaded documents. 

Step 1. Click the Add Document hyperlink. 

Step 2. Complete the Document window. 

  • Title- Enter a Title for the Document.

  • File Name- Use this field to upload the document. The File Name will auto-fill.

  • Date- Enter a Date for the document. 

  • Private- Check if the document should remain private. 

  • Notes- Enter additional information, if needed.

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.