Activities > Find Account - Pets Tab or
Dashboard > Account Search - Pets Tab
Use this page to view, add, delete or edit pet information for the account.
Add a New Pet
Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account.
Step 2. Click the Pets Tab.
Step 3. Click the Add Account Pet hyperlink.
Step 4. Complete the fields in the Account Pet window, as needed.
Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to add more records.
Edit a Pet
Step 1. From the Find Account Page - Pets Tab, Click the Pencil icon for the Pet you need to edit.
Step 2. Make changes to the Account Pet window, as needed.
Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize your changes.
Delete a Pet
Step 1. From the Find Account Page - Pets Tab, Click the Trash icon for the Pet you need to delete
Step 2. Click Confirm in the pop up confirmation box.