Activities > Find Account - Tasks Tab or 

Dashboard > Account Search - Tasks Tab

Use this Tab to review, edit, add and delete Work Orders. 

Add a Task

Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account

Step 2. Click the Tasks Tab. 

Step 3. Click the Add Task hyperlink. 

Step 4. Complete the Tasks window.

Tasks-General Section

  • Title- Enter a Title for the Task

  • Association- This field will auto populate-review for accuracy.

  • Assigned to User- Select the correct User to manage this Task from the drop down menu.

  • Assigned to Member- If this is a Board or Committee Task, select the correct Member from the drop down menu.

  • Account- This field will auto populate-review for accuracy.

  • Status- Use this field to make changes to the Status of the Task. 

  • Start Date- This field will default to today's date. Make changes by entering a date, or selecting from the drop down calendar. 

  • Due Date- This field will default to today's date. Make changes by entering a date, or selecting from the drop down calendar. 

  • Completion Date- Make changes by entering a date, or selecting from the drop down calendar. 

  • Calendar Display as- Select the date to appear on the calendar when tracking Tasks.

  • Board Task- Check this box if this is a Board related task. 

  • Board Meeting- Check if this Task requires Board meeting discussion.

  • Type- Select the Type of Task from the drop down menu.

  • Priority- Select a Priority status from the drop down menu. 

  • % Complete- Select the percentage of completion from the drop down menu.

  • Description- Enter a more detailed description of the Task. 

Tasks- Attachment Section - Use this section to upload documents related to the Task. 

Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize.

Edit a Task 

Step 1. From the Task Tab, click the Pencil icon to open the record. 

Step 2. Make changes to the Task, as needed.  

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Delete a Task 

Step 1. From the Task Tab, click the Trash icon to open the record. 

Step 2. Click Confirm in the Confirmation pop up window.