Activities > Find Account - Notes Tab or
Dashboard > Account Search - Notes Tab
Use this Tab to view, add and edit Notes.
The Note function is used to maintain a record of communication notations, as well as other important information for the Owner.
Add a Note
Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account.
Step 2. Click the Notes Tab.
Step 3. Click the Add Note hyperlink.
Step 4. Complete the Note window.
Type- Select the Note Type from the drop down menu.
Quick Note- Select a Quick Note from the drop down menu, if applicable.
NOTE- Quick notes can be used to add commonly needed notes to an account without the need to enter details. CLICK HERE for more information.
Note Date- Enter the date of the note.
Associate note with call- When your company utilizes a phone system that integrates with eUnify, you can link call information to your notes. Please contact us if you are interested in this feature.
Billable- Check if the Note relates to time that should be billed back to the Owner.
Time Types- Select the billable Time Type from the drop down menu, if applicable.
Hours- Enter the number of hours to be billed back, if applicable.
Note- Enter Note details.
Step 5. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to create another Note.
Find a Note
Use the search fields to locate a Note.
Source- Select the note Source from the drop down menu.
Type- Select the note Type from the drop down menu.
Edit a Note
Step 1. In the Find Account-Note Tab, click the Pencil icon for the Note you need to edit.
Step 2. Make changes in the Note window, as needed.
Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.
Delete a Note
Step 1. In the Find Account-Note Tab, click the Trash icon for the Note you need to delete.
Step 2. Click Confirm in the confirmation window.