Quick Notes are pre written note templates selected from a dropdown menu, where they are instantly entered into the Owner’s Account record. They are set up at the Firm level, added to categories, as needed, and can even be further organized into customized Types.
Add a Quick Note
Step 1. Locate the Owner Account you need to work with using the Account Search feature on the Dashboard, or via Activities > Find Account.
Step 2. Click the Notes Tab.
Step 3. Click the Add Note hyperlink.
Step 4. Select your Quick Note from the drop down menu.
Step 5. Complete the Note window.
Type- Select the Note Type from the drop down menu. Note Types are used to categorize notes, for easier searching and more accurate reporting. CLICK HERE for more information.
Quick Note- Select a Quick Note from the drop down menu.
Note Date- Enter the date of the note.
Note- This field will automatically fill based on the Note selected above. If more information is needed, additional information can be entered.
Step 6. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to create another Note.
Before you can use the Quick Note feature, you will first need to create your Quick Notes.
CLICK HERE for more information to get started.