Accounting > Financial > COA Inquiry
The Chart of Accounts Inquiry page provides up to date information about all transactions within a selected period for all General Ledger accounts. The information provided can help with research when there are discrepancies, as well as a means to conduct periodic reviews prior to month end.
The Search filters can be used to narrow your search to view a range of accounts. Complete filters below as needed, then click the Search button.
Association- Select an Association or an Association Group from the drop down menu.
Source- Select a Source type from the drop down menu. This will limit your search to transactions generated by a selected source.
Post Status- Select to filter your search by Posted or Unposted transactions.
Start/End Date- Enter a Date range to narrow your search to selected dates.
Account- Select a General Ledger account from the drop down menu to see a specific account.
GL Department- Select a Department from the drop down menu to see all accounts within a selected Department.
Recon Status- Select Reconciled or Unreconciled transactions. This will limit information to transactions that have been reconciled at month end, or those that remain open.
Min/Max Amount- Enter a minimum and/or a maximum amount to limit data by dollar amount.
Contains- Enter all or part of a name or number to return all transactions that meet the criteria.
Page Controls
Open All- Click the arrow at the top to open all accounts for detailed viewing.
Open Account- Click the arrow to the left of the account you want to open.
View Source Id- Click the Source Id hyperlink to see where the transaction originated.
View GL Batch Id- Click the Batch Id hyperlink to view batch information.
Other Helpful Information
Department- If the selected GL Account is in a Department, the Dept. name will be displayed in this column.
Source- The Source Type will be listed in this column.
Trans Date- The date of the transaction.
Amount Debit/Credit- The amount of the Debit or Credit will be listed in the appropriate column.
Running Balance- The running balance for the GL Account will appear in this column.
Memo- The memo entered for the transaction will be in this column.
Posted- A green check indicates the transaction has been posted.
Posted Date- This column displays the date the transaction was posted, if applicable.