Activities > Billbacks > Setup

The Billback system is designed to assist Management Companies in billing their client Associations for letters, inspections, administrative fees, management fees, monitoring and more. The feature is customizable to meet the needs of your organization and can be adapted to use for any activity billed in addition to your monthly Management fee. 

Setup consists of two items:

1. Billback Metrics - These are individual items that you bill for and can be system calculated or manually supplied.

2. Billback Template - This corresponds to the invoice to be generated for the association and consists of one or multiple Billback Metrics.

Billback Metrics - Firm Level

Billback Metrics are established at the Firm level and are available to all Associations. Metrics are used to set up each billable item, including the charge per item, a Title, and the General Ledger attached to the charge. Commonly billed back items like Letters, Statements and Coupons interface with uManage and can be selected from a drop down menu while specialized billbacks can be set up using the “Manual” option. All Metrics can be further customized by Association. (See below for more information)

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Billbacks.


Step 2. Complete the Billback Menu window. 

  • Metric Type- Select the correct Type from the drop down menu. Metric Types are linked to the selected item, such as Violation letters, enabling the system to automatically count the number of items and calculate the total based on the charge amount. 

NOTE- To bill back an item not on the list, select Manual

  • Title- Enter a Title for the billback item. 

  • Rate- Enter the rate to be charged to the Association for each item of the selected metric. 

  • GL Account- Enter the General Ledger account for the charge, for the selected metric. 

  • Memo- Enter any additional important details for the Metric. 

  • Tags- Tags can be used to further identify a particular type of letter, within the Metric Type. For example, within a Delinquency Letter Type, if you want to charge $1 for a Friendly Reminder and $10 for a Certified Delinquency Letter, you can enter the tag name used in the Action Type to enable the system to count those letters as two separate items and calculate the charge accordingly. 


Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to add additional Metrics.


Billback Metrics - Association Level

Manage Association -  Billbacks Tab

All created Metrics can be further customized by Association. For example, if you have an agreement with an Association to discount some fees, you can override the firm level metric on the Billback Tab. 

Step 1. Navigate to Manage Association.


Step 2. Use the filters to find the correct Association. 


Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to open the Association record. 


Step 4. Click the Billbacks Tab. 


Step 5. The Billback Tab will open displaying all of the Metrics available for the Association. Items displayed in blue with red lettering have previously been edited at the Association level. To make changes to a new Metric, check the box on the right to open the metric to editing. 

Step 6. The following items can now be edited. To make changes, enter information into the correct column, or click “use default” at the top, to retain the firm information for that field. 

  • Rate- Enter the rate for each item.

  • GL Account- Enter the GL account to be used for the metric. 

  • Tags- Enter a Tag, if needed. Tags are used to differentiate various letters or other items. For example, a Courtesy Letter can be billed at a different rate, or entered into a different GL, than a Certified Letter. To use this field, enter the name used in the Action Type for the letter. 

  • Memo- Enter additional information, if needed in this field. 

Step 7. Once you have made changes to all Metrics, as needed, click the Save button to finalize your changes. 

Billback Templates


Templates are used to identify all charges to be billed on an invoice. For example, you may decide to bill the Management fee separately from additional charges. To do this, you can create a Template that includes only the management fee, and another template that includes all other charges. You can create as many templates as you need to meet the requirements of your organization and Associations.

Step 1. Navigate to Billbacks > Setup > Billback Template


Step 2. Select Add Firm Billback Template from the Page Action dropdown menu. 


Step 3. Complete the Billback Template window.

Billback Template - Overview Tab 

  • Title- Enter a Title for the Template.

  • Vendor- Select the Vendor to appear on the invoice. For example, if you are billing for the management fees, you will select your management company. If you have a separate company created for maintenance work or inspections, you will select that vendor for those charges. 

  • All Associations- Check if the template needs to be available to all Associations. 


Billback Template - Billback Metric Tab 

Use this Tab to select all metrics to be included on the invoice template. For example, if you want to bill the Management Fee separately, you would select only the management fee from the pane on the right and move it to the pane on the left. 

Billback Template - Association Tab 

When “All Associations” was not checked on the Overview Tab, use this tab to assign all Associations that need access to this Template. Highlight the Association name in the right pane and use the left arrow to move it to the pane on the left. 

Step 4. Click the Save button to finalize, or the Save Add button to create another Template