Activities > Billbacks

The Billback system is a new feature designed to assist Management Companies in billing their client Associations for letters, inspections, administrative fees, management fees, monitoring and more. The feature is customizable to meet the needs of your organization and can be adapted to use for any activity billed in addition to your monthly Management fee. 

Generate Billbacks 

Part 1 - Setup - Prior to using the Billback feature, some set up is required. 

Part 2 - Calculate data- The first step to creating invoices for your billable items is to generate charges in the Billback system.

Part 3 - Import Manual Billback amounts - Manual billbacks for items outside of uManage, such as copies, envelopes or postage can be uploaded using a spreadsheet. 

Part 4 - Review Billback Data - Data should be reviewed for accuracy and any changes made prior to the next step. 

Part 5 - Generate Billback Invoices - This step generates invoices for the billbacks, and enters them for payment to the related Association. 

Part 6 - Set Billback as complete - After the invoices are generated and reviewed for accuracy, they should be set as “complete”. 

PART 1  

Setup - The Billback setup consists of two areas, Metrics and Template. The Metric establishes the charge per item, and the Template establishes which metrics will appear on invoices. 

CLICK HERE for more information about how to Set up the Billback function. 


Calculate Data - This step uses the Metrics set up in the system to calculate the charges for each item. For example, if you charge $5.00 for each Violation Letter, and there were 10 letters sent in the defined period, the Billback system will calculate a charge of $50.00. 

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Billbacks


Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the Billbacks you want to calculate. 

  • Template Type- Use this to sort the charges by the Template Type. This is useful when you want to generate only invoices of a specific type. 

  • Complete- This allows you to sort by Complete or Incomplete. This offers the ability to review previous months, or filter out completed items for processing. 

  • Year- This allows you to review past years.

  • Month- This allows you to review past months, or filter out prior months so you can process only the current month. 

  • Tags- This allows you to filter by a Tag. Tags are used to differentiate items with the same metric. For example, within a Delinquency Letter Type, if you want to charge $1 for a Friendly Reminder and $10 for a Certified Delinquency Letter, you can enter the name used in the Action Type to enable the system to count those letters as two separate items and calculate the charge accordingly. 

  • Contains- Enter all or part of the name of the item to return only those items that match. 


Step 3. Click the Calculate button for all Metrics you want to calculate. 


Step 4. Click the Save button to finalize.


Import Manual Charges - This feature allows you to import data that is not generated in UManage. This might include things like copies, documents printed in house, envelopes or postage. These items can be set up using the Manual Metric type and then uploaded using a spreadsheet. 

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Billbacks


Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the Billback Template that uses the data you want to upload. 

Step 3. Click the Show button on the right for the correct Template.


Step 4. Select Import Data from the Page Actions menu. 


Step 5. Prepare a spreadsheet with two columns, Id, and the Metric you want to upload. 

Step 6. Copy all information, including the headers and paste into the Import window and click the Save button to complete the Import. 

Step 7. Review your data to make sure everything was imported correctly. 


Review Billback Data - Before completing the Invoicing process, it’s important to review charges for accuracy. 

Step 1. Navigate to Activities > Billbacks 


Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the Templates you need to review. 

Step 3. Click the Show button to review all calculated charges for related Associations. 


Step 4. Review the charges for accuracy. If charges are incorrect or missing, you can edit directly by clicking in the field and entering the information, or you can correct the amount in the system, and then Recalculate the metric.


Step 6. If the charges are correct, click Save and Confirm

NOTE- After Confirming the charges, if you see that something is incorrect, you can Un-Confirm by clicking the hyperlink in the Status column. 


Generate Billback Invoices - This step generates invoices for all calculated charges.

Step 1. Click the Invoice button to generate an invoice with the selected charges. 

Step 2. Complete the Invoice Settings window and click the Save button when complete. 

  • Invoice Date- Enter the Date to appear on the Invoice. 

  • Post Date- Enter the Date the Invoice will be posted to the GL.

  • Invoice Number- Enter an Invoice number, if needed. 



Set Invoices as Complete

Step 1. Check the boxes on the right for all invoice batches you want to set as complete. To select all, click the box at the top. 


Step 2. Select Set Complete from the Page Action drop down menu.



Step 3. Click OK, in the confirmation pop up window. 


Review Edit Invoice Details

The Manage Invoice page displays details about the invoice such as, the Vendor, Bank, GL selections and more. If any of this information needs to be corrected, you can edit the invoice prior to posting it for payment. 

CLICK HERE for more information about processing invoices. 

Step 1. Navigate to Accounting > A/P > Manage Invoice. 


Step 2. Use the Search filters to locate the invoices you need to review. 


Step 3. Click the Pencil icon to open the invoice. 

Step 4. If any changes are needed, edit the appropriate field, and click the Save button at the bottom.