Notifications are used within the system to provide automated emails to selected users when certain activities occur. Notifications are established when portions of the system (Violations, ARC, Work Orders, Delinquencies etc…) are set up. If edits are required, you can view and edit all notifications at the Firm level on the Preferences Tab, or Association level on the appropriate activity Tab. You can also edit Notifications one at a time by using the Email Notifications page. 

Before notifications can be used, it’s first necessary to set up the Users for each community who are assigned to each role. 

Step 1. Navigate to Association >  Manage Association


Step 2. On the Overview Tab, General Section, select a User from each of the dropdown menus, as needed. 

  • Manager- Select the assigned property manager for the community. 

  • Assistant 1- Select the assigned Assistant, if applicable. 

  • Assistant 2- Select a secondary Assistant, if applicable. 

  • Accounting- Select the assigned Accountant for the community. 

  • A/R- Select the assigned A/R staff member for the community, if applicable. 


Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Now that roles have been assigned, when setting up notifications, it is only necessary to select the role that needs to receive notifications, and the User assigned for the Association will receive all applicable emails. 

Set up Firm Level Notifications

Step 1. Navigate to Firm > Manage Firm -  Preferences Tab. 


Step 2. For each of the following Notification windows, check the boxes for all Users that apply for the corresponding activity. Add additional emails if there are Users who need to be notified, but who are not assigned to one of the primary roles. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Firm Notifications- The following notifications are set up on the Preferences Tab. 





Set up Association Notifications

Step 1. Navigate to Manage Associations- Selected Tab.  See the list below for the Notifications available on each Tab. 


Step 2. For each of the following Notification windows, check the boxes for all Users that apply for the corresponding activity. Add additional emails if there are Users who need to be notified, but who are not assigned to one of the primary roles. 

Step 3. Click the Save button to finalize.

Association Notifications

NOTE- Some additional aspects of the notifications must be handled within the Manage Email Notification area of the system. 

Manage Association - Overview Tab

Manage Association - ARC Tab

Manage Association - Work Order Tab

Manage Association - Violation Tab

Manage Association - Concierge Tab

Manage Association - A/P Tab

Manage Association - Task Tab

Manage Association - RFP Tab

Other Notifications

Resident Requests

Activities > Resident Requests > Setup > Manage Resident Request Types


Activities > Passes > Setup > Manage Firm Pass Types


Activities > Architectural > Setup > Manage Association ARC Plan Types

Manage Email Notifications Page

Activities > Communications > Notifications Manage Email Notifications

The Email notification page allows you to make changes or create new notifications for any area in which 

notifications are available without the need to go to the setup page. 

CLICK HERE for more information about using the Manage Email Notifications Page.