This article will explain how a specific user can manually select an invoice approval rule during the re-rule process, particularly for situations where a new rule needs to be applied, which may require a different approval process than standard monthly invoices.
For the standard How do I Replace Invoice Approvers information click HERE.
For the standard Invoice Approval Set Up information click HERE.
Note: The invoice must not be posted in order to change the approval rule.
Set Up:
Grant Permissions:
Provide the necessary permissions to the user who will manually re-rule invoices. Navigate to the Administration > Manage Profile page, and click ‘Edit’ on the appropriate profile.
In the Accounting > AP > Manage Invoice section, check the box for ‘Enable Invoice Re-rule’. All users with this profile will be able to change the approval rule for invoices.
How to Use It:
Re-Rule Invoices:
From the Manage Invoice page, select the invoice or group of invoices that need to be re-ruled. Click ‘Re-rule’ from the Page Action tab.
Select a New Approval Rule:
In the drop-down menu, choose the new rule for approving the invoice(s).
Save Your Changes:
Click ‘Save’. The selected invoice(s) will now be re-ruled and ready for approval.