Accounting > AR > AR Set Up > Manage AR Status Page.

The AR Status feature allows you to assign different statuses to homeowners based on their specific actions or circumstances. While a current status is usually applied, you can create additional statuses for situations like delinquency, attorney involvement, liens, and more.

The AR Status of a homeowner's account can be used in Delinquency Rules or Recurring Charge settings, which is particularly helpful, for example, in excluding accounts with an Attorney status from the Assessment Recurring Charge.

Creating a New AR Status

  1. Click the Page Action button: Select "Add AR Status."
  1. Fill out the necessary settings for the status:
  • Name: Specify what the AR status will be called.
  • Determine whether homeowners with this status can make online payments, if the system should automatically close delinquencies, and if the system should generate statements for homeowners with this AR status. These are just examples of the settings you may need to configure.

Note: Checking the box indicates that you agree to allow or show the selected option.



You can also select the Default status for new owner accounts as needed.

Account Alert Text

From the AR Status page, you can add Account Alert Text. This text will appear on the homeowner’s page and provide important information or warnings related to the status.

 Click Save to finish it.