A Credit Memo is a refund or credit from a Vendor that can be applied to open invoices.


How to Add a Credit Memo

  1. Navigate to Accounting > AP > Manage Invoice.
  2. Click on Add Invoice.
  3. Fill out all necessary information. (For more details on how to add a new invoice, click HERE.)
  4. If this is a Credit Memo, make sure to check the box labeled ‘Credit Memo’.


Note: In the Expense Distribution section, you can enter a positive amount. Once you mark the invoice as a ‘Credit Memo,’ the system will automatically convert it to a negative amount when you click the Save and Post button.

  5. Change the Payment Status to ‘Ready to Pay,’ click Save and Post and the Credit Memo will be ready to be applied to any invoices from the Vendor to whom the Credit Memo belongs.

For instructions on how to apply the Credit Memo, click HERE.