Q: We can't click to Enabled our Lockbox, why might this be?
A: If you hover your mouse over the "Enable Lockbox" checkbox, the system will provide you a list of reasons that are preventing the Enabling. Once those items are addressed, you will be able to enable the Lockbox.
Q: We have some Payments on the External Payments page but we can't locate any accounts to map. Why might this be?
A: If there are Payments that are needing to mapped to accounts, you can begin typing in the "Account Mapping" field and that will populate Accounts that relate to the typed criteria:
Q: Our External Payments are not completely mapped. I see the deposit at the bank, the checks show on the owner accounts, they are just not showing on the bank account GL.
A: Our suggestion is running the Payment not Process report for more details on this issue. Also, on the Bank Account page, you may need to click 'enable LockBox' and verify the account associated with those items.