When closing a violation you may want to send a cure letter or you may elect to not send a letter but simply close the violation. This article covers how both of these options are handled in uManage.
First, let’s understand the difference between the violation status and the violation steps.
A violation’s status can be one of three values: Open, Hold, or Closed. This value is displayed in the Activity Status field on the violation:
The violation’s action steps are defined on the association’s workflow and specifies the escalation process. For this article, the step can do any combination of the following:
- Generate a letter for mailing
- Generate an email
- Change the violation’s activity status
Typically, a violation is closed when the violation is cured. A violation can be ‘closed’ via either:
- the uManage mobile app by clicking the Close link on the violation
- the Manage Violation page by selecting ‘Closed’ from the Activity Status dropdown.
Both of these processes utilize the association’s Violation Close Behavior setting to determine how to process the close. The Violation Close Behavior can be set to one of the following:
- Set Matter to Closed – select this option to set the Activity Status field to Closed. No additional actions are queued for processing.
- Set Next Action To – select this option to queue up a next action to process. Typically, this would be an action that identifies the workflow steps as being closed. For example, a ‘Cure Letter’ or ‘Cure – No Letter’ depending on whether you want a letter to be sent or not. The benefit of this approach is that is lists the final step in the list of finalized actions.
Processing an action can also close the violation. This is a setting on the violation workflow: