Use this page to assist in the Invoice Approval on the Board Portal.
The invoice approval process in eUnify allows Board members to engage in the approval process directly from the Portal.
NOTE- To access this function, it must first be enabled by an Administrator. If you are unable to access this area of the Portal, please contact your site administrator.
Step 1. Login to the Community Portal.
Step 2. Click the Board Portal tab in the menu on the left side of the page.
Step 3. Select Invoice Approval from the Dashboard, or from the menu on the left.
Step 4. This will display a list of all invoices that need approval and balance information for the bank account scheduled to be used for the payment. This allows you to see, at a glance, how the payment will impact the Association’s cash flow.
NOTE- To view more information for the invoice, see the section below View Details.
Step 5. Click the Pencil on the Invoice to Approve/Deny to review:
This will open a screen with additional tabs and information about the invoice.
Overview Section:
This section provides similar information but in a format that makes it easier to view and provides additional details about the General Ledger coding for the invoice.
Additional Approvals:
This area details the Status of the invoice with other invoice approvers. You can see which Board Members have Approved/Denied the invoice.
This section allows you to view the files on the invoice.
Payment History:
This section allows you to review the Payments that have been completed on this Invoice.
Step 6. Click the "Approve" or "Do Not Approve" icon on the invoice to complete the approval process. Once that has been selected, the "Status" column will update: